Miscellaneous Knitting Patterns

Lattice Collar Pattern

Baby Bootie Patterns

Knitting for children means thinking about the child with every stitch and giving an item that is filled with love, warmth, and positive thoughts.

Baby Set Patterns

Knitting for children means thinking about the child with every stitch and giving an item that is filled with love, warmth, and positive thoughts.

More free baby set patterns: Crochet Baby Set Patterns

Baby Bonnet Patterns

Knitting for children means thinking about the child with every stitch and giving an item that is filled with love, warmth, and positive thoughts.

More free baby bonnet patterns: Crochet Bonnet Patterns

Mitten Patterns

Mittens cover the entire hand but do not have separate finger openings, so they effectively separate the thumb from the other four fingers. They are made in many different colors and designs. Mittens have a high thermal efficiency since they have a small surface area exposed to the cold. The earliest mittens known to archeologists date to around 1000 A.D.

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