Peasant Jacket Pattern #167

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Peasant Jacket Pattern

Size 4-5 years

2  balls Sportyarn main color (2 oz. ball)
1 ball Sportyarn each in 2 contrasting colors (1 oz. ball) for yoke
1 pair S.P. knitting needles No. 4 (3½ mm.)
1 circular knitting needle 24" No. 3
1 bone crochet hook No. 4
3  buttons

GAUGE: 7½ sts. = 1 inch

PATTERN: Entire jacket is worked in ribbing K1, P1

BACK: With m.c. cast on 94 sts. with No. 4 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 1 inch. Next row work as follows for beading: *K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, yarn over, P2 tog., repeat from * across row. Continue to work K1, P1 until entire piece measures 5 inch. or any desired length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 5 sts., at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 sts. (80 sts. left). Work even for 3½ inch. from the first binding off. Start yoke shaping now. Work 39 sts. and slip them to a holder, bind off 2 sts., work 39 sts. Bind off 2 sts. every other row at center edge 5 times, 3 sts. at center edge twice, then 2 sts. at center edge 4 times (15 sts. left). Bind off. Connect yarn on other side of neck and finish to correspond.

FRONT: Cast on 48 sts. with No. 4 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 1 inch. Work beading row as on back. With 48 sts. work even until the entire piece measures like back. Bind off for armhole at seam edge at the beg. of the next row 6 sts. and at the beg. of the next row at seam edge 2 sts. (40 sts. left). Work even for 2¾ inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for neck 19 sts. at center edge and then always 3 sts. at center edge until 15 sts. are left over. Work as high as back and bind off. Work the other front to correspond.

SLEEVE: Sew up shoulder seams and pick up around armhole, right side facing you starting at straight part, 54 sts. with No. 4 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2 rows. Next row, pick up 2 more sts. each side, work 1 row even. Next row, pick up 6 more sts. each side. (70 sts. on needle). Work even for 1 inch. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. and at the end of every 6th row until 50 sts. on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 11½ inch. or any des. length to wrist. K1, P1 for 2 rows in first c. c. K1, P1 for 2 rows in second c. c. Bind off. Work other sleeve to correspond.

YOKE: With first c. c. pick up 116 sts. with No. 3 circular needles, starting at left front edge with right side facing you. P back. Next row, right side, K2 tog. at front edge, K to within 2 sts. of the 2 center sts. of back, K2 tog., K2 center sts., slip 1, K1 and pass the slipped st. over the K st., K to within 2 sts. of end of row, K2 tog. P back. Continue these last 2 rows for entire yoke, having 6 rows first c. c., 8 rows 2nd c. c., 2 rows first c. c. Next row, right side, first c. c.: K2, * yarn over,  K2 tog., K4, repeat from * across, end K2. P back. Work 4 more rows in first c. c., decr. as before and bind off.

FINISHING: Sew up side and sleeve seams. Crochet 2 rows s.c. down each side of front, working 3 buttonholes in 2nd row of right front evenly spaced apart. Twist 2 cords out of the 3 colors and pull them through beading rows. Steam lightly and sew on buttons.