Stoles & Shrugs | Spinnerin Volume 122

Stoles & Shrugs | Spinnerin Volume 122

Stoles & Shrugs
Spinnerin Yarn Co
Volume No. 122
Original Copyright 1953

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Patterns Included: 
Heart Warmer Shawl, Wrap About Shrug, Sparkling Ermine Shawl, Commuter Shawl, Castanet Shawl, Marquise Shrug, Pearl Pal Shrug, Bunny Hug Shrug, Fireside Shawl, Spell Binder Shawl, Easy Knit Shawl, two Stole Edgings.


TASSELS: Cut a cardboard about wide or slightly wider than desired length of tassel. Wind yarn around the cardboard as many times as desired thick­ness of tassel requires. Slip strand of yarn under thickness of yarn at one end and tie firmly. Remove cardboard. Wind yarn, a few times around tied end, about ½" from top and fasten. Cut through the loops at the opposite end and trim.

POMPONS: Use 2 discs of thin card­board slightly larger than the size de­sired for the finished pompon. Cut holes in the center 3 as large in diameter. Hold­ing discs together and using double strand of yarn, wind yarn around disc by draw­ing it through hole in center and around outside edge. When disc is completely covered, slip scissors between discs and cut along outside edge holding disc firmly at center. Wind strand of yarn around center between discs, knot firmly and fasten off. Remove discs, smooth and trim.

FRINGES: Wind yarn around a card­board 7" wide or desired length of fringe. Cut through yarn at one end only (each strand will be double the width of card­board). Fold desired number of strands in half, insert crochet hook from right side of stole through first st at end of stole, draw looped end of folded strands through. Draw ends through loop and tighten. Trim ends evenly.



Beg beginning
Ch chain


Dc double crochet st
Dec decrease
Even work without increasing or decreasing
Hdc half double crochet stitch
Inc increase
K knit
Lp loop
P purl
Pat pattern stitch
Sc single crochet stitch
Sl st slip stitch
St stitch
Sts stitches
Tog together
Tr treble crochet stitch
YO yarn over
MC main color
CC contrasting color