Sacque and Bed Jacket Pattern #5304

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Sacque and Bed Jacket No. 5304 Pattern

MATERIALS: Chadwick's Red Heart Baby Wool (¾ oz. balls): Sacque—3 balls; Bed Jacket—Size 16—9 balls, Size 18—11 balls … J & P Coats or Clark's O.N.T. Six Strand Embroidery Floss, 2 skeins of White … Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size) … I yard of ribbon, ½ inch wide … 1¼ yards of ribbon, 1 inch wide.

GAUGE: 7 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.


Starting at lower edge, cast on 154 sts. Work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) for 1 inch, ending with a k row. Next row: K across, thus forming a ridge on right side. Continue in stock­inette st as before until piece measures 2 inches, ending with a p row. Work border as follows: 1st row: (K 2 tog) twice; * (O, k 1) 3 times; O, (k 2 tog) 4 times. Repeat from * across to last 7 sts, (O, k 1) 3 times; O, (k 2 tog) twice. 2nd row: K across. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows of border once more.
   Continue in stockinette st as before until piece measures 7½ inches, ending with a p row. Next row: Work across 37 sts (right front), bind off next 4 sts for underarm, work across next 72 sts (back), bind off next 4 sts for under­arm, work across remaining 37 sts (left front). Work over this last set of sts only, decreasing 1 st at armhole edge on every other row until 34 sts remain. Next row: Starting at armhole edge, with right side facing, p 2, (k 2, p 2) 4 times; k 16. Following row: P 16, k 2, (p 2, k 2) 4 times. Repeat last 2 rows alternately until piece measures 2½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then, starting at front edge, bind off 16 sts for front of neck, work in ribbing across remainder of row. Continue in ribbing over remaining 18 sts until piece measures 3½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Bind off in ribbing.
   Attach yarn and work across the 72 sts of back, decreasing 1 st at end of each row until 66 sts remain. Next row: With right side facing, work as follows: P 2, (k 2, p 2) 4 times; k 30, p 2, (k 2, p 2) 4 times. Following row: K 2, (p 2, k 2) 4 times; p 30, k 2, (p 2, k 2) 4 times. Repeat last 2 rows alternately until piece measures 3½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Bind off, knitting the k sts and purling the p sts. Attach yarn and work across remaining 34 sts of right front to correspond with left front.

SLEEVES … Starting at lower edge, cast on 55 sts. Work same as lower part of Sacque until piece measures 8 inches.

To Shape Top: Bind off 2 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at end of next 6 rows. Bind off.
   Press pieces through damp cloth. Sew shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in, easing in extra fullness at top of shoulder. Turn up lower edges of sleeves and Sacque (at ridges) and whip in place. With right side facing, work a row of sc along front and neck edges. Break off.

BEADING … With right side fac­ing, attach yarn at neck edge of right front and work as follows: Ch 5, * sc in 3rd ch from hook (p made), ch 1, skip 2 sc, dc in next sc, ch 3. Repeat from * along neck edge. Break off.

YOKE SMOCKING … Thread a needle with Six Strand and work 3 overcast sts, catching 2 knit ribs. Over­cast next 2 knit ribs together. Work rows of smocking on all ribbed sec­tions, having ¾ inch between rows and staggering the smocking stitches. Run narrow ribbon through beading at neck.




Length from shoulder to lower edge (including 1-inch hem allowance)


Length from lower edge to underarm (including 1-inch hem allowance)


Length of sleeve seam (including 1-inch hem allowance)

Width of sleeve at upper arm
Starting at lower edge, cast on
253 sts
264 sts

Work exactly the same as Sacque until piece measures 10½ inches in all, end­ing with a p row. Next row: Work across for right front

59 sts
61 sts
bind off for underarm next
8 sts
10 sts
for back, work across next
119 sts
122 sts
bind off for other underarm next
8 sts
10 sts
for left front, work across remaining
59 sts
61 sts
Work over this last set of sts only, decreasing 1 st at armhole edge on every other row until there remain
51 sts
52 sts
Next row: Starting at armhole edge with right side facing, p 2, (k 2, p 2) 7 times; knit
17 sts
18 sts
Following row: Purl
17 sts
18 sts

k 2, (p 2, k 2) 7 times. Repeat last 2 rows alternately until piece measures 6½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping.

Starting at front edge, bind off for front of neck

21 sts
22 sts

complete row in ribbing.

Continue in ribbing over remaining 30 sts until piece measures 8½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Bind off in ribbing.

For back, attach yarn and work across next
119 sts
122 sts

decreasing 1 st at end of each row until there remain

103 sts
104 sts
Next row: With right side facing, work as follows: P 2, (k 2, p 2) 7 times; knit
43 sts
44 sts

p 2, (k 2, p 2) 7 times.

Following row: K 2, (p 2, k 2) 7 times; purl
43 sts
44 sts

k 2, (p 2, k 2) 7 times.

Repeat last 2 rows alternately until piece measures 8½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Bind off, knitting the k sts and purling the p sts.

Attach yarn and work across remaining
59 sts
61 sts

of right front to correspond with left front.

SLEEVES … Starting at lower edge, cast on 121 sts. Work same as lower part of Sacque until piece measures 13 inches.

To Shape Top: Bind off at beginning of next 2 rows

4 sts
5 sts

Dec 1 st at end of each row until 93 sts remain. Bind off. Finish Bed Jacket same as Sacque.