Cardigan Pattern #S-731

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Cardigan Pattern

Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 42 and 44

Directions are given for Size 10.

Changes for Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 42 and 44 are in parentheses.

COATS & CLARK'S O.N.T. "SPEED-CRO-SHEEN" MER­CERIZED COTTON, Art. C.44: No. 10-A Canary Yel­low, and
J. & P. COATS "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN" METALLIC, Art. A.64: No. M.10-A Canary Yellow: 11 (11-12-13-13-14-15-16) balls of each thread;
CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 4 Ply, Art. E.232 (1 oz. "Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins): 18 (18-20-22-22-24-25-27) skeins of No. 230 Yellow.
Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 8 (5 mm. size).
6 buttons.

NOTE: When working with "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic, use 1 ball of each thread together throughout. When working with Knitting Worsted, use yarn single throughout.

GAUGE: 4½ sts make 1 inch; 8 rows make 1 inch.


Width across back at underarm
Length from shoulder to lower edge

BACK … Starting at lower edge with 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 68 (72-77-82-86-90-95-100) sts. Work in garter st (k each row) until piece measures 13 (14½-14½-15¼-15½-16½-16½-17) inches.

To Shape Armholes: Bind off 3 (3-4-5-5-5-6-6) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Bind off — (— - — - — -2-3-3-4) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at both ends of next row and every other row until there remain 56 (58-59-62-64-66-69-70) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping 7 (7-7½-7½-8-8-8½-8½) inches.

To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 6 (6-6-5-5-5-7-7) sts at the beginning of the next 6 (6-6-8-8-8-6-6) rows. Bind off for back of neck the remaining 20 (22-23-22-24-26-27-28) sts.

LEFT FRONT … Starting at lower edge with 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 36 (38-41-43-45-47-50-52) sts. Work in garter st until piece measures 13 (14½-14½-15¼-15½-16½-16½-17) inches.

To Shape Armhole: Bind off 3 (3-4-5-5-5-6-6) sts at the beginning of the next row. Bind off at same edge (armhole edge) — (— - — - — -2-3-3-4) sts. Dec 1 st at armhole edge every other row 3 (4-5-5-4-4-4-5) times, ending at front edge.

To Shape Neck: Dec 1 st at the beginning of next row and every 3rd row at same edge until there remain 18 (18-18-20-20-20-21-21) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of arm- hole shaping, ending at armhole edge 7 (7-7½-7½-8-8-8½-8½) inches.

To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 6 (6-6-5-5-5-7-7) sts at beginning of next row and every other row 3 (3-3-4-4-4-3-3) times.

RIGHT FRONT … Work as for Left Front.

SLEEVES … Starting at lower edge with 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 52 (52-56-56-60-60-64-64) sts. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 until piece measures 1 inch. Change to garter st and inc 1 st at both ends of next row and every 8th row thereafter until there are on needle 56 (58-60-62-64-66-68-70) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 4½ (4½-4½-4½-5-5½-6-6½) inches.

To Shape Top: Dec 1 st at the beginning of every row until there remain 36 (36-40-40-42-42-42-42) sts. Dec 1 st at both ends of every row until there remain 26 (26-26-26-30-30-30-30) sts. Bind off 3 (3-3-3-4-4-4-4) sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 14 sts.

POCKET (Make 2) … Starting at lower edge with 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 26 sts. 1st row: * K 2, p 2. Repeat from * across, ending with k 2. 2nd row: * P 2, k 2. Repeat from * across, ending with p 2. Repeat first and 2nd rows alternately until piece measures 5 inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing.

LEFT FRONT BAND … With 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 121 (129-129-137-141-149-149-153) sts. 1st row: * P 2, k 2. Repeat from * across, ending with p 1 (center back). 2nd row: K 1, * p 2, k 2. Repeat from * across. Repeat first and 2nd rows alternately until 7 rows have been com­pleted. Bind off in ribbing.

RIGHT FRONT BAND … With 1 ball of "Speed-Cro-Sheen" and 1 ball of "Knit-Cro-Sheen" Metallic (or 1 strand of Knitting Worsted), cast on 121 (129-129-137-141-149-149-153) sts. 1st row (center back): P 1, * k 2, p 2. Repeat from * across. 2nd row: * K 2, p 2. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. 3rd row: Repeat first row. 4th row: (K 2, p 2) twice; knit 1 (1-1-2-2-2-2-2) sts, bind off next 3 sts for buttonhole, * work in ribbing across next 9 (10-10-11-11-13-13-14) sts, bind off next 3 sts. Repeat from * 4 more times, work in ribbing to end of row. Next row: Work in ribbing as established, casting on 3 sts to replace those sts bound off. Work 2 more rows in ribbing. Bind off loosely in ribbing.

Block pieces to measurements. On Sizes 20, 42 and 44, make a dart on side edge of each front 1 inch below armhole shaping to measure 1 inch, tapering to noth­ing at center of each front. Sew side, sleeve and shoul­der seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew cast-on edges of Front Bands to front and neck edges. Sew narrow ends of neckband neatly together. Sew on buttons. Sew pockets in place as illustrated.