Romper No. 2088 Pattern

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Romper No. 2088 Pattern

SIZES—1 (2).

NOTE—Underline or circle the num­bers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 1, the second for size 2.

MATERIALS—SPINNERIN HEAVEN SPUN 4 (4) balls; 1 pair Knit­ting Needles No. 1; 1 pair Knitting Nee­dles No. 3; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 4; 13 small pearl buttons.

MEASUREMENTS—Chest 20 (21) inches, crotch to underarm 13 (13½) inches, sleeve to underarm 8 (8½) inches.

GAUGE—8½ sts. = 1 inch. 12 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.

PATTERN—Stockinette St. (knit 1 row, purl 1 row). Work Yoke in pattern as described in body of directions.

BACK—Using No. 3 needles, cast on 28 (32) sts. and work even in stockinette st. for ¾ inch. Then cast on 3 sts. at the beg. of every row until there are 100 (104) sts. on needle. Work 1¼ (1½) inches even. Dec. 1 st. each end of needle. Repeat this dec. every ¾ inch 6 times more; (86 (90) sts. on needle). Work even until back measures 13 (13½) inches straight up from first sts. cast on, ending with P row. Now work Yoke in pattern as follows: Row 1—P2, *K1, YO, K1, P2, repeat from * across row. Row 2—K2, *P3, K2, repeat from * across row. Row 3—P2, *slip 1, K2, P.S.S.O. the K2, P2, repeat from * across row. Row 4—K2, *P2, K2, repeat from * across row. Repeat these 4 rows for 3½ (4) inches. Bind off loosely on Row 4.

FRONT—Work in same manner as back until work measures 11¼ (11¾) inches straight up from first sts. cast on, ending with P row. Now work Yoke as follows: For Size 1 only: Row 1—K40, P2, K1, YO, K1, P2, K40. Row 2—P40, K2, P3, K2, P40. Row 3—K40, P2, slip 1, K2, P.S.S.O. the K2, P2, K40. Row 4—P40, K2, P2, K2, P40. Row 5—K32, (P2, K1, YO, K1) 5 times, P2, K32. Row 6—P32, (K2, P3) 5 times, K2, P32. Row 7—K32, (P2, slip 1, K2, P.S.S.O. the K2) 5 times, P2, K32. Row 8—P32, (K2, P2), 5 times, K2, P32. For Size 2 only: Row 1—K40, (P2, K1, YO, K1) twice, P2, K40. Row 2—P40 (K2, P3) twice, K2, P40. Row 3—K40 (P2, slip 1, K2, P.S.S.O. the K2) twice, P2, K40. Row 4—P40, (K2, P2) twice, K2, P40. Row 5—K32, (P2, K1, YO, K1) 6 times, P2, K32. Row 6—P32, (K2, P3) 6 times, K2, P32. Row 7—K32, (P2, slip 1, K2, P.S.S.O. the K2) 6 times, P2, K32. Row 8—P32, (K2, P2) 6 times, K2, P32. Continue in this manner to work 8 sts. more each side in pattern every 4th row until all sts. are worked in pattern. Work even in pattern for 3 (3½) inches. Work in pattern over first 32 (34) sts. Bind off center 22 sts. Work in pat­tern on last 32 (34) sts. for ½ inch more, ending with row 4. Bind off loosely. Work left shoulder to correspond. Sew shoul­ders together at arm edge for 1 inch.

SLEEVES—Using No. 3 needles, pick up 68 (72) sts. in space where pattern yoke is worked all across front and back shoulders. Work even in stockinette st. for 1 inch. Dec. 1 st. each end of needle. Re­peat this dec. every ½ inch 9 (11) times more; (48 sts. on needle). Work even until sleeve measures 6½ (7) inches from underarm. Change to No. 1 needles and work in ribbing of K2, P2 for 1½ inches. Bind off loosely.

FINISHING—Sew side and sleeve seams. Work 2 rows of S. C. around neck, making 4 button loops at even intervals on each front shoulder, on 2nd row. Sew 4 small pearl buttons in place on back shoulder. Using No. 1 needles, pick up 120 sts. around leg opening. Work in rib­bing of K2, P2 for 10 rows. Bind off loosely, knitting the knit sts. and purling the purl sts. Work 3 rows of S. C. across back crotch piece. Work 3 rows of S. C. on front crotch piece, making 5 button loops at even intervals on 3rd row. Sew buttons in place opposite button loops.