Raglan Sleeve Windbreaker Pattern #4007

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Raglan  Sleeve Windbreaker Pattern

Size 38
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 4 Needles—14 in.
1 Steel Circular Needle Size 4—24 in.
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Knitting Worsted—5 4-oz. Hanks

Starting at neck, with No. 4 Circular Needle, cast on 84 sts. Work as follows:
Row 1—Purl.
Row 2—K. 10 (right front), increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st. (seam sts.), K. 10 (sleeve), increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st. (seam sts.), K. 32 (back), increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st. (seam sts.), K. 10 (sleeve), increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., (seam sts.), K. 10 (left front).
Row 3—Cast on 5 sts., purl across row, cast on 5 sts. at end of row.
Row 4—K. 16, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 12, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 34, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 12, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 16.
Row 5—Cast on 5 sts., purl across row, cast on 5 sts. at end of row.
Row 6—K. 22, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 14, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 36, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 14, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 22.
Row 7—and all uneven rows—K. 4, purl across row, K. 4.
Row 8—K. 23, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 16, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 38, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 16, increase in the next st., K. 1, increase in the next st., K. 23.
Continue increasing in the seam sts. in the above manner until raglan seam measures 11 in. Starting on right side of gar­ment, work across to 1st sleeve seam. Leave sts. on Circular Needle. With No. 4 Straight Needles, work across the sleeve to 2nd seam. Leave remaining sts. on Circular Needle, and work 2 in. even on sleeve. Decrease 1 st. at each end every in. 10 times. Work even until sleeve measures 18 in. or desired length from underarm. Change to No. 2 Needles, decreasing to 46 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 3½ in. Bind off. Attach yarn at underarm, and knit across on Circular Needle to 3rd raglan seam. With straight Needles, work other sleeve to correspond. Attach yarn at underarm and work across remaining sts. to front edge. P. back, joining garment at underarm. Work even in stockin­ette st., keeping the 1st and last 4 sts. K. on the P. side, until piece measures 5½ in. from underarm. Then bind off for pockets as follows: On right side of garment, K. 20, bind off 28 sts. for pocket opening, work across to within 48 sts. from end of row, bind off 28 sts. for pocket opening, K. 20. Purl back, casting on 28 sts. over the 28 bound off sts. Continue to work even for 4½ in. from pocket opening, or desired length from underarm. Change to No. 2 Needles, work in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, for 4 in. Bind off.

POCKETS: With No. 2 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 30 sts. across lower edge of pocket opening. Work in garter st. for 1 in. Bind off. With No. 4 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 28 sts. across upper edge of pocket open­ing. Work in stockinette st. for 4½ in. Bind off. Sew sides of pocket to under side of sweater. Sew sides of garter st. band to top of sweater.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams.

COLLAR: With No. 2 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 32 sts. across back of neck. Work back and forth in ribbing of K. 2, P. 2, picking up 4 sts. at end of each row until 106 sts. have been picked up from end to end of neckband. Work 1 row even. Bind off.
Sew zipper in place at front opening.