Fingering Yarn Sleeveless Sweater Pattern #4001

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Fingering  Yarn Sleeveless Sweater Pattern

Size 38

1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles—14 in.
1 Pr. Standard No. 4 Needles—14 in.
1 Double Pointed Needle Size 4

Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.

Jack Frost Fingering Fleece—5 1-oz. Balls

BACK: With No. 2 Needles cast on 119 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No. 4 Needles, increasing to 122 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in Pat. as follows:
Row 1—* K. 1, P. 1, over 5 sts., K. 4, repeat from * across row ending K. 1, P. 1, over the last 5 sts.
Row 2—* K. 1, P. 1, over 5 sts., P. 4, repeat from * across row, ending K. 1, P. 1, over the last 5 sts.

Repeat above 2 rows 3 times. On the 7th row cable over the K. 4 as follows: K. 1, P. 1, over the 1st 5 sts., slip the 1st 2 sts. of the K. 4 onto the double pointed needle, hold in back of work. K. the next 2 sts., then bring the 1st 2 sts. which were slipped forward, and knit them. Work in Pat. across row, cabling in each panel of K. 4. Repeat cable every 8th row to back of neck. When piece measures 9½ in. from ribbing, bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then bind off 3 sts. at the beginning of the next 8 rows for underarm. Work even in Pat. until piece measures 9½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of the next 6 rows. Bind off remaining sts. for back of neck.

FRONT: With No. 2 Needles cast on 119 sts. Work in ribbing of K. 1, P. 1, for 3 in. Change to No. 4 Needles, increasing to 139 sts. at even intervals across the row. Work in Pat. as follows:
Row 1—* K. 4, K. 1, P. 1, over the next 5 sts., repeat from * ending K. 4.
Row 2—* P. 4, K. 1, P. 1, over the next 5 sts., repeat from * ending P. 4.

Cable over each panel of K. 4 as described for back. Work even in Pat. until piece measures 9½ in. from ribbing or de­sired length to underarm. Bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then bind off 3 sts. at the beginning of the next 8 rows, then bind off 4 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Work even in Pat. until piece measures 5½ in. from 1st bound off sts. at underarm. Work over 34 sts. Place on st.-holder. Bind off 23 sts. for front of neck. On remaining 34 sts., continuing to work in Pat., decrease 1 st. at neck edge every row 6 times, then decrease 1 st. at neck edge every other row 7 times. Work even until armhole corresponds with back. Starting at shoulder edge, bind off 7 sts. at the beginning of every other row 3 times. Work other side to correspond. Sew shoulder seams.

SLEEVE BANDS: With No. 2 Needles, on right side of gar­ment, pick up 150 sts. from end to end of armhole. K. 1, P. 1, for 8 rows. Bind off.

NECKBAND: With No. 2 Needles, on right side of garment, pick up 40 sts. across back of neck. K. 1, P. 1, for 8 rows. Bind off. On right side of garment, pick up 98 sts. around front of neck. K. 1, P. 1, for 8 rows. Bind off.