Scarf to Match Pattern #4019

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Scarf to Match Pattern

1 Pr. Standard No. 3 Needles—14 in.
1 Double Pointed Needle
Scale: 7 sts. to 1 in.
Jack Frost Sport Yarn—2 2-oz. Balls

With No. 3 Needles cast on 74 sts. Work in garter st. for 1½ in. Work in pattern as follows:
Row 1—K. 7, * P. 4, K. 4, repeat from *, ending K. 7.
Row 2—K. 7, * K. 4, P. 4, repeat from *, ending K. 7.
Row 3—K. 7, * P. 4, K. 4, repeat from *, ending K. 7.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 once. On 6th row cable over K. 4, only as follows: K. 7, P. 4, * slip the next 2 sts. on double pointed needle, hold in back of work. K. the next 2 sts., then bring the 2 sts. which were slipped, forward, and K. them. P. 4, repeat from * across row, ending K. 7. Continue as given above, reversing pattern and cabling every 6th row until piece measures 42 in. or desired length. Work in garter st. for 1½ in. Bind off. Knot fringe at both ends.